Common Prenatal Tests: During your regular check-ups, you will have your weight recorded, your blood pressure checked and a urine sample tested for sugar and protein (which can signal gestational diabetes or pregnancy-induced high blood pressure). Finally, your womb height measured to see if your baby is growing at the expected rate.
in the first trimester includes, but is not limited to, a full blood count (FBC), blood typing (including Rh screen), blood group antibodies, Rubella, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, Treponemal screen and urine analysis.
may include Parvo virus [slap cheek], Toxoplasma, CMV and Varicelle Zoster [chicken pox virus].
may be advised based on your health, previous pregnancy or family history. Genetic counseling is best done early in pregnancy. Down's syndrome screening Tests include Ultrasound Nuchal Fold Assessment at 12-13 weeks, Maternal serum screening in first trimester 10-12 weeks or second trimester Quadruple test at 15-18 weeks. Combined Test include the Nuchal fold at 12-13 weeks and Maternal serum screen at 10-12 weeks
include Chorion Villus Sampling at 10-12 weeks and Amniocentesis at 15-18 weeks and both are done under ultrasound control.
Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT), also known as Non Invasive Prenatal Diagnosis (NIPD) and also Non Invasive Prenatal Screen NIPS is a screening method for detecting certain specific chromosomal abnormalities in a developing baby.
is performed early in pregnancy to confirm viability, duration, number of fetuses and can exclude ectopic pregnancy. Ultrasound; at 18-20 weeks assess fetal anatomy to diagnose most but not all fetal abnormalities.
is performed around 26-28 weeks.
screen is done at 34-36 weeks.
to assess fetal growth, placental localization, liquor volume, blood flow through umbilical artery, fetal lie and help to obtain fetal blood sample from umbilical cord if necessary.
Rheusus antibodies Screen is repeated at 26 and 34 weeks and imunoglobulins are given to protect against formation of Rhesus Antibodies in mother.
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