(03) 9848 4262


(03) 9848 4262


Fertility IVF Specialist

St George Clinic for Women Policies

Consumer Feedback and Complaint Policy


The Safety and Quality Governance Standard for consumer feedback and complaints management has been based on the NSQHS (National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards).

As supported through widespread use of the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights, customer feedback and complaints assists in improving the quality of diagnostic imaging service provision.


To ensure St George Clinic for Women is committed to keeping the management of feedback and complaints consistent with the principals of open disclosure and fairness, accessibility, responsiveness, efficiency and integration.


Complaints made by patients, referrers or relevant third parties about Dr Serag Youssif will at all times be considered serious. Patient Feedback and Complaints Policy and forms will be on display in the practice and available to all patients. Patient Feedback and Complaints Policy and forms are also available on www.drseragyoussif.com.au

All complaints made by patients, referrers or relevant third parties will be recorded in the Practice Complaints Register by either the Office Manager or delegate where relevant.

Patients, referrers or relevant third parties who wish to lodge a formal complaint regarding a provided service will be requested to submit the complaint to the practice principal in writing on St George Clinic for Women Patient Feedback and Complaints form. The practice principal is responsible for the investigation of the complaint. The practice principal will notify the complainant (in writing) within <14> days of the outcomes and resolutions of the complaint.

Verbal complaints by patients, referrers or relevant third parties will be responded to (where possible) immediately by the relevant staff member or practice principal.

Where patients, referrers or relevant third parties have provided their contact details on the Patient Feedback and Complaints form, St George Clinic for Women will respond in writing to patient feedback within <14> days.

To achieve our objectives, we use two methods for receiving and recording feedback and complaints:

A Customer Feedback and Complaints Form, and

A Complaints Handling Register.


Complaints Procedure

If a complaint is received by the Practice, the complainant must be advised of this policy and procedure and expected resolution times. If the complaint is about a matter which can be resolved immediately without reference to others, then the Practice Principal will take the necessary action. Corrective action will take place within two days or as soon as possible. Staff members must ensure the complaint or feedback is recorded on the Customer Feedback and Complaints Form and included on the Complaints Handling Register.

Obtaining Feedback

St George Clinic for Women seeks client feedback by:

Encouraging patients and carers to complete feedback forms

Undertaking periodic surveys

Feedback is periodically reviewed and assessed contributing to continuous improvement processes.

Consumer Consent and Information Policy

Consumer Consent and Information Policy


The Safety and Quality Governance Standard has been developed to ensure that diagnostic imaging procedure risks have been advised and consent obtained from the patient.

Only ultrasound examination are done at St George Clinic for Women and no imaging procedures are done at St George Clinic for Women


To ensure consumers are fully aware of the diagnostic imaging examinations that are available and what those examinations entail before a service is performed.

Only ultrasound examination are done at St George Clinic for Women and no imaging procedures are done at St George Clinic for Women


To ensure consumers are fully aware of the diagnostic imaging examinations that are available and what those examinations entail before a service is performed.

Only ultrasound examination are done at St George Clinic for Women and no imaging procedures are done at St George Clinic for Women


St George Clinic for Women ensures patient information has been obtained to determine any clinical risk and where relevant, patient consent is obtained prior to the procedure.

Only ultrasound examinations are done at St George Clinic for Women and no image procedures are done at St George Clinic for Women.

No Medications are given for imaging procedures at St George Clinic for Women and there are no imaging procedures done at St George Clinic for Women.

St George Clinic for Women ensures comprehensive information on examinations performed is available to patients. This information will be available in a variety of media forms, brochures, www.drseragyoussif.com.au and Patient Consent Forms.

Where patient preparation is required prior to a diagnostic imaging examination (e.g. full or empty bladder etc) St George Clinic for Women staff will be responsible for ensuring the patient is fully informed of the preparation requirements.

Not Applicable. Signed Patient Consent Forms are required by St George Clinic for Women for all diagnostic imaging examinations that are high risk/invasive to the patient or require injections and/or medication.

Not Applicable. St George Clinic for Women will deem which diagnostic imaging procedures require signed consent from the patient based on the risks associated with the procedure.

Only ultrasound examination and no Imaging procedures are done at St George Clinic for Women

Informed Consent for Ultrasound Examination


Valid consent must be obtained before starting any ultrasound examination or procedure. Healthcare professionals who do not respect the right of a patient to determine what happens to their own body in this way may be liable to legal or disciplinary action.

The consent process is a continuum beginning with the referring health care professional who requests the ultrasound examination and ending with the practitioner who carries it out. It is the responsibility of the referring professional to provide sufficient information to the patient to enable the latter to consent to the ultrasound examination being requested. It is the responsibility of the practitioner to ensure that the patient understands the scope of the ultrasound examination prior to giving his or her consent.

Verbal consent must be obtained for all examinations.

Consent for those of an intimate or invasive nature should be recorded in the ultrasound report.

Written consent is occasionally required particularly vaginal ultrasound and is signed with consent to vaginal examination.

Literature which explains the scope of the examination clearly and accurately should be made available to patients prior to the ultrasound examination.


Information pamphlets are available for the full range of examinations performed at St George Clinic for Women.

No invasive Imaging procedures such as Amniocentesis, Chorion Villus Sampling, fetal reduction or sonohysterography Saline infusion are done at St George Clinic for Women.

St George Clinic for Women obtains all patient’s health status, relevant to the diagnostic imaging (ref. Patient Health Questionaire).

At St George Clinic for Women Only Obstetrics and Gynaecology Ultrasound are performed. Abdominal or vaginal ultrasound is selected depending on clinical indication, patient history or preference. Often both examinations are required to improve or reach diagnosis.

At St George Clinic for Women only Ultrasound imaging is used.

Only substitutes diagnostic imaging procedures abdominal or vaginal where:

Appropriate for the diagnosis of a patient’s medical condition;

Generally accepted on the basis of diagnostic medical opinion; and

Permitted by the Act and subordinate legislation for the payment of a Medicare benefit for that service.

Consumer Information on Practice Services Policy

Obstetric and Pelvic Ultrasound Information and Instructions

Appointment: Please telephone St George Clinic for Women to make an appointment. Arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment time and bring your Medicare card and fee payment at time of visit. We accept Eftpos, credit cards or cash.

A full urinary bladder is necessary for women who have never been sexually active. A full urinary bladder is also necessary for women who choose to have abdominal but not vaginal scan. Start drinking 3 glasses of water starting 1-1 ½ hours prior to the appointment time.

Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound (TVS) provides high resolution or more detailed images of the pelvic organs and provides reproducible and reliable information. In most Gynaecological Ultrasounds and Early Obstetrics Ultrasounds TVS is performed as images provided by TVS are much clearer than that of abdominal ultrasound. Trans-Vaginal Scans are performed after a verbal consent. Some women choose not to have TVS and their wish is respected. TVS is not offered and not performed on virgins.

TVS is painless, safe and does not harm the pregnancy. TVS is performed by introducing a plastic probe (transducer) into the vagina in a way similar to speculum as in a Pap smear. TVS could be performed during menstrual bleeding, irregular vaginal bleeding or with bleeding during pregnancy.

There is no facility for Video Taping but phone video recording and digital or thermal images are available.

Partners and support persons are welcome to attend (Covid19 regulations apply).

Parking is available on site at ground level at no charge.

Consumer and Stakeholder feedback and Complaints Policy


The Safety and Quality Governance Standard for consumer feedback and complaints management has been based on the NSQHS (National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards). As supported through widespread use of the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights, customer feedback and complaints assists in improving the quality of diagnostic imaging service provision.


To ensure St George Clinic for Women is committed to keeping the management of feedback and complaints consistent with the principals of open disclosure and fairness, accessibility, responsiveness, efficiency and integration.


  • Complaints made by patients, referrers or relevant third parties about St George Clinic for Women staff or practice principal will at all times be considered serious. Patient Feedback and Complaints Policy and forms will be on display in the practice and available to all patients.
  • Patient Feedback and Complaints Policy and forms are also available on www.drseragyoussif.com.au
  • All complaints made by patients, referrers or relevant third parties will be recorded in the Practice Complaints Register by either the Diagnostic Radiographer/Medical Imaging Technologist, Office Manager or delegate where relevant.
  • Patients, referrers or relevant third parties who wish to lodge a formal complaint regarding a staff member will be requested to submit the complaint to the practice principal in writing on St George Clinic for Women Patient Feedback and Complaints form. The practice principal is responsible for the investigation of the complaint. The practice principal will notify the complainant (in writing) within 10 days of the outcomes and resolutions of the complaint.
  • Verbal complaints by patients, referrers or relevant third parties will be responded to (where possible) immediately by the practice principal.
  • Where patients, referrers or relevant third parties have provided their contact details on the Patient Feedback and Complaints form, St George Clinic for Women will respond in writing to patient feedback within 10 days.
  • To achieve our objectives, St George Clinic for Women use three methods for receiving and recording feedback and complaints:
  • A Customer Feedback and Complaints Form, and
  • A Complaints Handling Register.
  • Practice staff training in managing and responding to feedback and complaints

  • A Customer Feedback and Complaints Form, and
  • A Complaints Handling Register.
  • Practice staff training in managing and responding to feedback and complaints


Complaints Procedure 

If a complaint is received by the Practice, the complainant must be advised of this policy and procedure and expected resolution times. If the complaint is about a matter which can be resolved immediately without reference to others, then the staff member is expected to take the necessary action. Staff members are to seek clarification from the Practice Principal or delegate where required.

Corrective action will take place within two days or as soon as possible. Staff members must ensure the complaint or feedback is recorded on the Customer Feedback and Complaints Form and included on the Complaints Handling Register.

Obtaining Feedback 

St George Clinic for Women seeks client feedback by:

  • Encouraging patients and carers to complete feedback forms
  • Undertaking  periodic surveys
  • Feedback is periodically reviewed and assessed contributing to continuous improvement processes.

Reference documents:

Department of Health  Practice Accreditation Standards 3rd edition: 1.1 &  4.3

Other: NSQHS (National Safety and Quality in Health Service Standards), Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights, Customer Feedback and Complaints Form, Complaints Handling Register.

Ultrasound information pamphlet

Ultrasound has been around for more than 60 years and studies have shown that it is a safe technique with no harmful side effects.


Ultrasound uses sound waves to produce images. The sound waves are transmitted into your body from a small handpiece that looks a bit like a microphone (called an Ultrasound Probe). Some of these waves are reflected and are processed by the ultrasound machine to form pictures. This is the same way the navy looks for submarines. These pictures are shown on a TV screen and recorded.


Depending on the type of examination you are having you may need some preparation.


For vaginal ultrasound you need to empty your bladder prior to test.


For abdominal ultrasound you would need a comfortably full bladder. For some scans you will be asked to change into a gown.


The examination will be performed by Dr Serag Youssif.


You will be shown into the ultrasound room and asked to either lie down on a couch or sit on a chair.


Abdominal ultrasound: A warmed jelly like substance is placed on your abdominal skin on to the area of interest. The sound waves don’t travel through air so this allows transmission of the sound waves into your body. The probe produces sound waves that will form the images. You will be completely unaware of these sound waves and there should be no discomfort during the examination apart from a little pressure.

Vaginal ultrasound: The best technique for looking at the female pelvis is by performing an internal scan i.e vaginal scan. This procedure is only performed with your consent and where appropriate for the area your doctor is concerned about. Dr Serag Youssif  will explain in detail what is involved. Remember, you are under no obligation to have this done although the ovaries etc are seen well and clearer images are taken.


The sterilised probe which is also covered by a protective sheath is inserted into the vagina prior to the examination and manipulated very gently to show the anatomy in the pelvis.


The sound waves don’t travel through air so the gel allows transmission of the sound waves into your body. The probe produces sound waves that will form the images. You will be completely unaware of these sound waves and there should be no discomfort during the examination apart from a little pressure.


You may be asked to hold your breath ‐ this is very important because when you breathe the organs go up and down in the tummy. When you hold your breath the organs stay still allowing a better view of them.


Updated 17.2.2021


our scan will be read to you and and reported by Dr Serag Youssif. The report will then be sent to the person who referred you. Digital images can be obtained.

Updated 20.02.2021

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