Roller Ball

Rollerball endometrial ablation (RB): A rollerball electrode is used to systematically coagulate the endometrium. 

A fluid medium is used and it is electrolyte-free, increasing the risk of hyponatraemia if excess fluid is absorbed into circulation.

After rollerball ablation to remove womb lining, women in one study said they had improvements in

  • Pelvic pain: Nearly three-quarters of the women said they had less pain.
  • Premenstrual symptoms: Over two-thirds of the women had fewer symptoms of bloating and feeling irritable before their period.
  • Sex life: Almost all the women said their sex life got better after the operation
  • Ability to do usual activities: All women could return to normal work and 8 in 10 found housework easier 

But endometrial ablation doesn’t work for everyone. Up to a quarter of women who have this operation still have heavy periods. 

The operation seems to work less well in women under 40.

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